A small study suggested that COVID-19 positively tested mothers are unlikely to infect the baby during childbirth, especially if the...
Researchers concluded in a study that several women request an epidural as a pain reliever during childbirth to avoid labor...
A study in the hospitals of Brazil found hydroxychloroquine is effective in COVID-19 treatment, and it might show adverse effects...
The Food and Drug Administration issued warning orders to 10 companies to discard their e-cigarette products from the market. The...
The response team of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released a study, according to that the coronavirus cases rate...
A new survey claimed that watching pornography (adult videos) can increase the chances of erectile dysfunction (ED) in men. The...
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention published a report on the outbreak of salmonella infection that has affected 125...
Three more potential COVID-19 vaccines have shown an active immune response in healthy people is considered generally safe. The Lancet...
The researchers from King’s College London analyzed the data of a tracking application of coronavirus. They have identified six distinct...
The initial trials of protein treatment for coronavirus had dramatically reduced the need for intensive care units for COVID-19 patients,...
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